Thursday 26 December 2013

Next Stop, Hue

After leaving Hoi An we went to Hue by by bus, roughly around 4 hours in a sleeper bus. The day we left was just getting cold in Hoi An so we were hoping for a nicer day in Hue. Unfortunately for the 4 nights we were there it was cold and bleak. Luckily we had our new jackets to keep us warm. We didn't do a lot in Hue as there isn't really that much to do. We went to the Citadel which for me was pretty cool, but for Amanda and the boys not so interesting. It was designed to be the city in Hue where all important people lived from the Emperor to the law makers to the religious leaders. Some fantastic old buildings were designed, however the city was bombed severely in the Vietnam War, so many ruins are left.

We had a great hotel, but the rooms were cold. It is a funny city where hotels, restaurants etc all have their front doors open showing that they are open and welcoming. However as they wore beanies, scarfs and jackets inside for us Westerners it was not much fun having dinner in freezing cold conditions. We stayed probably 1 or 2 days too long in Hue but the boys chilled a fair bit.

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