Saturday 14 December 2013

Ho Chi Minh/ Saigon and Mekong Delta

Finally it was time to leave Brunei and begin our travel back to New Zealand. We booked a month long trip to Vietnam in February so that was the path we were taking. Arriving in Ho Chi Minh (Saigon) after a real rush in the morning through LCCT we were greeted with the news that one of our bags was not with us. It was either my fault for taking the wrong bag in LCCT (KL) or the other person took ours. We knew Air Asia had a month to find it so we weren’t worried about it yet. The bag thankfully did turn up 3 days later which was last thing that we needed to sort. Our hotel in Saigon was great (Signature Saigon Hotel) the staff are really amazing. We stayed there for 3 nights where we did the markets, National Museum and the Reunification Palace.

The markets were the same as any but the sellers in the stall kept grabbing the kids arms. Liam got annoyed by this and was more forceful when they tried. Liam did really well again bartering he has the knack for it now! The museum was disappointing. The building was better than the artefacts as you could see the history of the building and appreciate their struggle. We moved on to the Palace, which again was not much. It was interesting to see the bit of history where the tanks rammed through the gates for the North Vietnamese to win the war against the South. The rooms within the building were all the same shape with little creativity on the walls or within the room itself. So picking they were not creative and arty way back then.

We allowed the boys to relax abit in their room as a lot had just happened with us moving countries again. Amanda and myself ate at a local restaurant a couple of times without the boys as they were playing on the ipods and with their cars. Not bad each meal coming to about $2 each plus our beer at 50 cents for a bottle.

After the 3 nights in Saigon we went on the Mekong Delta. It was a pretty good trip where we saw the floating market, went to the place where they made coconut candy and also to where they make vermicillie (which is bloody nice). We chose to stay in a homestay that night but it was more like an eco village. Our meal  that we had was fantastic and well worth the decision. The next day we went to the floating market, it itself was a little boring but the boat ride was pretty good. We then headed to a local village where we decided to go biking through. Unfortunately there was not enough bikes so I had to go on the back of a motorbike of a boy who the bikers were to follow. The boys did really well and I think they enjoyed it!

After the ride we decided to get some food to try. Rat and snake bbq by the family. We all gave it ago except Jordan. Liam and myself ate the most which Liam is very proud off. His aim for his bday is to eat a snake 7 ways and swallow the beating heart. It was after a long day a long trip back to Saigon (4hrs). It was great to get back to Saigon and chill for another night before our next journey to Mui Ne the next day.

A great restaurant in Saigon

Reunification Palace

Dinner at homestay after first day on the Mekong Delta

Our homestay accommodation at the Mekong

Riding through a village on the Mekong

Aaron eating rat

Liam eating bbq snake

Aaron eating bbq snake

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