Saturday 14 December 2013

Mui Ne

Originally we booked for two nights and ended up staying for six!!!  The first night was a disaster, the bus trip which should have taken 5 hours ended up taking close to 9, the air conditioning broke about 10minutes into the trip, which resulted in us spending several hours on the roadside.  Jordy and Liam handled it really well, but we were all pleased to finally reach Mui Ne.  The first nights accommodation was average to say the least, so the next morning we spent looking for new accommodation.  We found a guest house right across the road.  It proved to be a great move.

We spent four days just relaxing on the beach, eating beautiful food, drinking coffee and cheap beer.  Would more could one want.

Liam celebrated his 10th birthday whilst we were there.  He got a phone, so now I’m officially the only family member that doesn’t own a smart phone.  I managed to purchase a birthday cake, with the help of google translate, lots of pointing and lots of laughing.  I did originally ask for a chocolate cake, and ended up with a sponge cake with lots of chocolate on top but it was delicious.  Jordy had chosen him a budda necklace and bracelet, which he is collecting all over Asia.  The grandparents had spent presents from NZ, in fact Nana Jean gave him 1million, pity for Liam is was dong which equates to approximately $60NZD. He got to choose the restaurants for both lunch and dinner.  He rated his day 15 out of 10, so for last minute organisation on our part, it worked out pretty well.

We found a great restaurant across the road from our guest house.  It had huge meals, cheap beer and a pool table to keep the boys entertained.  We choose to eat there on the last night and ended up trying the local wine with a couple from Wales.  Lots of laughs had and a very late night for people travelling 5 hours by bus, then 2 hours by plane the next day.  When will we learn!!!  Next stop Da Nang.

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