Wednesday 4 September 2013

Phnom Penh

With only myself and the boys for the first three days, I had googled things to do with children in Phnom Penh, which included a western style shopping mall which had toy and DVD shops and a 4D ride, so after a quick market visit for me to do some much needed retail therapy, off we went. The boys loved the 4D ride so that was added to the list of things to redo when Aaron arrived.   Also amazingly enough for a third world country they had recently opened a Kidz City, which included laser tag, rock climbing, adventure playground and an ice skating rink (far more than Brunei offers).  The rock climbing was almost identical to clip and climb in Chch, great for the boys as they haven't done any since we left, it also had a Gloria Jeans coffee shop so a good morning was had by all of us!!  The next day we headed back there again and this time played laser tag (which I lost) and then the boys had a great time on the adventure playground.  The days were easily filled in before Aarons arrival, however we were all looking forward to it.   Once again we decided to celebrate Aarons birthday early (as he is busy studying still so no time in Brunei to do it).  Our challenge to the boys was to try something new in every new country we visit, last time in Cambodia Liam tried frog, this time in the markets he ventured even further and tried beetle, followed by Tarantula!!  Which he ate two of, much to the disbelief of other on looking tourists.  I tried one leg, Jordan wouldn't have a bar of it , Aaron helped Liam out on his first one,then Liam ate the whole second one himself.  Then  Liam shopping enthusiastically for a present for Aaron,  Jordan was happy with what I chose for him. Aaron had been going on about an iphone5 so a plastic replica was purchased for him.  We all played laser tag, then the boys went rock climbing again, followed by lunch at another of our favourite restaurants called the Laughing Fatman (which the boys thought was appropriate for Dad) they have great pizza and cold beer. Then back to Hotel 9 where the boys painted their hands on the wall, the money for this goes towards helping save children in Cambodia from exploitation.  That night we took Ly Ly (our favourite Cambodian person) out for dinner with us to Aarons favourite restaurant on the riverside. Once again they were serving 1.5 litre glass jugs of beer 2 for $3 US during happy hour.  The food is among the best we have eaten in Cambodia.

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