Friday 23 August 2013

Arriving back in Phnom Penh

With the boys being on holiday for 6 weeks, we decided that we should go to Cambodia before Aaron and he would join us later.  However we didn't realise when booking that the so called Government elections where to be held the prior week.  This made for a rather eventful and interesting entry for us into Cambodia. Below is a copy of the first email I sent to Aaron when the boys and I finally reached our hotel.


Well yes a rather eventful start to our Cambodian trip.  Sat on KL runway for 40 minutes in the heat with no explanation from Air Asia (go figure) so boys over it before we even left.  Visa very easy on arrival infact customs guys filled in forms for me for the boys and I only did mine.  Funny boys was $10 for both and mine $25, but still cheaper than I was expecting so all good.  Very quick process through in no time - Brunei could learn a thing or two from that.

Taxi man outside with name on sign all good, start driving asks me if first visit so explain been before so started talking, told me all about riots and vote fixing, then explained we couldn't go the way we should as too dangerous and roads blocked off, was constantly on his walkytalky (oh my English) thing to his mates.  Stuck in traffic like never before, kids begging knocking on the car windows, boys a bit frightened by it all, went through some smoke from burning tyres etc.  After over 1 hours travel strangely I know where we were, all streets blocked off by police and army, no noise I think to prevent them around palace etc, taxi stops over a block away from the hotel, promptly puts my suitcase over the barricades which the boys and I then have to climb through, we then walk down the street watched (laughed at) by over 300 police/military personnel, lucky I know my way around.  Felt Ok but not keen to venture out on my own with the boys.
Arrive waiting in reception, Jordy looks at bar and says his girlfriend is here.  Unsure if he is teasing me we go down to restaurant, she couldn't stop smiling and hugging Jordy and Liam.  She remembers kissing him good night last year and every thing.  Franco is back in Aussie and they are not impressed with new Khmer manager.  Had pizza for dinner - surprise surprise, and asked about riots and all good so will be alright when you are here to go out, I was just unsure on my own and just arriving.  Right boys chilling in room, think I might have another beer.  Off to markets in morning.

Later that night I met some expat locals (in the bar) who assured me it was perfectly safe to be out and about, infact one had even driven up the blocked off street watched by the police and allowed through as he was white. Sometimes its great having blonde haired children who are very white.  My only regret was I didn't stop to take any photos, probably as it was dusk and I just wanted to get to the hotel.

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