Wednesday 4 September 2013

Cambodia's Beach Areas

When we originally visited Cambodia in August 2012, the then Manager of Hotel 9, advised us of the beach areas around Cambodia to visit, in fact he put together an itinerary for us, including recommended hotels to stay in, so on this return visit we decided to make use of this inside information, thus seeing a new and different side to Cambodia.   We hired a private car to drive us the 4 hours (no planes fly this route currently, but they are looking to in the near future) to Sihanoukville.  We found the accommodation ok, but not as we had expected and it was rather touristy.  Unfortunately I got sick on the second day and spent the next two in bed.  The boys and Aaron explored the local area and beach.  Feeling better the next day we took a tuk tuk to the recommended beach area, we were spend a great day relaxing, boys swimming and playing in the sand, good food and the compulsory beer (only for Aaron as I was obviously sick as I didn't have any)  The next day Jordan was feeling a little under the weather so him and I stayed at the hotel (it was raining anyway) and Liam and Aaron found a hotel with Xbox 360, so both were happy.  Upon their return Aaron and I found a great bar directly across from the hotel called the Purple Midget.  We ending up staying late into the evening and participating the local quiz night, which was very entertaining.  The next day we departed for Kep about 2 hours drive away.  This is a very sleepy settlement, which reminded us of Akaroa before it was developed.  Our hotel was right on the beach front and as it was monsoon season, there was only us and one other couple staying.  Kep is famous for its seafood and pepper fields,  so the first night we ventured to the seafront where we had a magnificent dinner.  Aaron had local crab, Jordy prawns, Liam squid, me pork, beer, wine, milkshakes all for under $50.  The next day we did an island tour to Rabbit island, which was very tranquil and relaxing, the boys spent most of the day in the sea swimming,  it has local shacks for restaurants, serving everything you could want.  It was a great day out, followed by another spectacular dinner the same restaurant with large servings of seafood for everybody (except me who ate more pork, anybody would think I currently live in a country that doesn't have pork, oh that's right I do!!!)  Then is was time to head back to Phonm Penh for the last two nights for last minute shopping and final goodbyes to our Cambodian friends.  It was once again with heavy hearts we left Cambodia.  We will be back.

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