Monday 4 February 2013

Liam BJSL Athletics 2013

Liam was selected to compete in 5 athletic events against JIS, Panaga and Hornbill Schools. The first event was the 600m which he came first in (not bad considering it was about 36degrees). He then had to run the 60m sprint where he got 4th as he watched his opposition and he went past Liam. His team came 3rd in the relay 4x100 and about 5th in long jump. He had to throw a tball as well but I think he lost interest as we are not to sure where he placed. Anyway he did really well and although no one from his family saw him win the 600m we are still very proud of him. Although he does remind us that we were not there!
On a different note since back we have had our first centipede in the house. A dangerous little bugger who took ages to die after being sprayed with our bug spray. It was interesting to see it glide as it walked and to see it's claws where it attacks with venom!

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