Saturday 24 November 2012

BJSL - liam

Well, with a busy week and Liam having a sore throat all week it was going to be interesting how he came through the football and T ball at JIS. To make things more hectic there was a football coaching clinic for the football boys at Berakas Stadium all morning. Liam seemed fine and only abit hot when I saw him at JIS. The team only had 5 so were 1 short so they had to play really well. Liam was absolutely fantastic, tackling hard, tracking back and attacking. He scored the first goal and went into halftime 1-0 up. They had plenty of fluids and begun the second half. Again he was fantastic and it was very encouraging to see how hard he was in the tackle. He set up the next 2 goals through hard tackles and then a pass forward to his mate Canute. They were awesome! Then came tball. First time I had seen it in Brunei and with sports staff that really have no idea about sport I could see why the boys really had no interest in playing it to win. Liam got home twice and played well but the team lost. Hopefully they (ISB) find some staff who have some sporting ideas and are able to coach not only from the sidelines but during the school day as well.

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