Monday 22 July 2013

Jordans Graduation and End of Academic Year

We arrived back in Brunei in time for Jordys Year 6 Graduation ceremony.  This was a rather big deal for the children and it is at times like this I am pleased I have boys.  Jordy was happy with his new Bangkok shirt and a quick purchase of some long black pants and he was good to go.  The morning of the graduation his teacher told me I was welcome to come back and help him get ready or do his hair, no need for either.

Jordy walked up the aisle to Star Wars music with his allocated partner, then proudly took his place on stage.  After a few speeches and songs it was certificate time.  Jordy smiling all over his face, received his certificate with pride and is now ready for the new challenge of year 7.

The following Friday was the end of the academic school year assembly.  Both Aaron and I were able to attend (as my school finished the day before).  Liam did extremely well collecting team points (given out for various achievements) throughout the year and along with only 10 other Primary School children was awarded a movie ticket including a popcorn and drink.  He was thrilled with this as were we.  Jordy had spent the year being Yellow team captan so was presented with a certificate for this and then the overall team of the year was awarded.  This went to Jordys Yellow team due to his surpberb guidance throughout the year.  It was with great excitment he received the overall winning team cup.  A good day for both the Taylor boys.  Now so the six week holiday to begin.

Bangkok and Jomieten Beach

After being back in Brunei for a whole four days, it was time for all of us to go back to Thailand. For the boys and myself this was to be our third visit in as many months.  It was government school holidays and Aaron had completed a very long school term and study term so was really looking forward to the break.   The boys and I were still very exhausted from Phuket, but this was always going to be a very different holiday.  It was the first time we had flown Royal Brunei Airlines the national carrier of Brunei and it would be fair to say we were unimpressed with it.  First stop to our hotel, first impressions were not that great but as the days wore on, the location was great and the people we met in the hotel were very interesting.  It is great to be able to sit around a bar and hear other peoples travel stories.   We found a local night market, which sold every kind of food, clothes had live music and several bars, what more could one want.  Whilst having dinner, I purchased Jordys graduation shirt and a nice dress for myself,  who said women couldn't multi task!!!

We spent a few days shopping as had electronics to sort, and a long list of things we were hoping to purchase.  We then decided it was time for a beach break for a couple of nights so headed to Jomieten Beach near Pattaya as heard it was less touristy.  However it was also full of Russians (same as Phuket) and very windy whilst we were there so no beach time was had, but a very relaxing time spent around the swimming pool and lots of lovely food and drink was consumed.

Back to Bangkok and a different hotel in a more central location. Off to Madam Tussauds wax museum.  Both Aaron and myself have been to other ones in the world and it is fair to say this was no where as good, but the boys enjoyed it.  The next day took the boys ice skating.  Aaron insisted on watching the bags so he couldn't ice skate.  I used some muscles that had not been used in years, but had a very enjoyable time.  It was 25degrees in the ice skating rink so we were just in shorts and t-shirts still.  Overall it was a very different holiday but still enjoyable.  Back to Brunei for the boys and I to complete our last two weeks of the international school year, before a 6week holiday.  Life over here is very tough at times.