Thursday 13 June 2013

Fobissea Phuket

As previously mentioned my two wonderful sporting boys were selected to represent ISB at Fobissea (Federation of British International School of South East Asia).  After six weeks of intensive training finally the time had come to depart.  Aaron dropped myself and two very excited boys at the airport at 7am (on his way to school).  There were 36 competitors and 7 staff from ISB along with several parents.  I myself stayed with five other parents in cheaper accommodation from the children.

First leg Brunei - Kuala Lumpur went without incident.  Then 3 hour wait in the airport which turned into a 5.5 hour wait, as you can imagine some very bored and tired children.  Arrived in Phuket at 8.00pm then they were bused to their hotel, feed and rooms sorted, none reached bed before 11pm.  The next day they were up at 5.30 ready for 11 hours of competition.

Liam competed first in the 600metres, by the end he was exhausted and come a creditable 5th place.  Jordy was next up in the 800 metres and although he finished last, competed much better than he ever has before.  At this stage ISB children were already in tears due to exhaustion.  Liam then won bronze in the 60meters, along with two of his friends, which was very exciting because medals were very thin for ISB at this stage.  Liam off to high jump were he finished 4th. (great considering he only did it cause he was made to).  Jordy competed well in his two field events.  After nearly five hours of competition it was lunch break before another 5 hours of swimming.  One of Liams friends swam his first race, promptly dissov

led into tears and then slept the next two hours in the medical room.  This was purely an indication of how tired our children were at this stage.  Both Jordy and Liam swam really well but unfortunately no medals for either of them.  ISB did pick up a few medals, however we all wonder how much better the children would of competed had we arrived a day early like most sensible schools.

The next day was the T-ball competition.  To be honest I wasn't holding out much hope for this, as it a sport with very strange rules in Asia.  Unfortunately for me this was the day where Jordy and Liam were on fields at opposite ends of the school (a 10 min walk) great for my fitness.  However I managed to see all of the boys games.  Jordy got some runs for his team and seemed to be thoroughly enjoying himself.  Liams team made the semi finals,  they had to have an extra innings to determine who made the final.  Unforntunately it was not to be and they were playing off for bronze or 4th.  After a considerable amount of screaming (encouragement) from the parents the team managed to secure the bronze medal.  They were the only ISB to get a medal that day.   Back to the hotel after yet another long existing day for both the competitors and the spectators.

Day three, football, this was the one we were holding out most hope for.  Great for me my two boys were only two fields apart.  Jordys team stated with a 6-0 loss, followed by Liams team with a 6-1 loss.  A few tears and a harden speech (from both the mother and teacher) later and it was time for game two.  Once again two losses Jordys team another hammering, Liams team only 2-0 down.  As it turned out they were to be Liams only two losses for the day and those teams won Gold and Silver and Liams team the bronze, so it was fitting.  Jordys team unfortunately didn't have a win all day, but once again Jordy was having a great time.  ISB teams did much better reaching many Semi finals, but once again only Liams team went on to secure a medal.  End of  competition days back to the hotel for presentations and a disco for the kids.

Departure day, up at 4.30am as major marathon on in Phuket so roads closed, two wait a airport for us and very exhausted children and teaching staff.  Board Air Aisa sitting on runway with full plane and they annouce we can not fly as not enough adults per kid.  We had flown all the way there the same way and the had booked us in and given boarding passes,  fortunately most parents were also on this flight so agreed to sit with two children each, still one adult short, some one lovely man agreed also to sit with two kids.  Flight then left late to Kuala Lumpur.  The three hour Brunei was already boarding.  There is only two flights a day to Brunei (this was the second) so a sigh of relief from the parents, children and staff.  We were all exhausted when we arrived home.

Overall it was a fantastic experience for my children (even the non-sporting one) and myself.  I had great laugh with the other parents and was pleased I was able to experience it with my children (and help out when it all became too much). Lesson learnt to always travel with an extra day!!!!